3. What is UI vs UX - User Interface vs User Experience
Donec imperdiet erat tortor, nec consectetur odio fermentum et. Mauris vehicula faucibus viverra. Vestibulum varius ante enim. eu posuere ligula eleifend non. Praesent sapien nisi, luctus a tellus a, porta dapibus massa. Cras non mattis mauris. Etiam convallis purus a ante mattis, id tincidunt sapien hendrerit. Sed laoreet Check out my portfolio: https://bit.ly/2OZkYCo
Steps 1: Understand what we're trying to solve.
You have to take a minute to understand what is the goal, what is the problem, what they're trying to achieve with it who is the target audience, who is the competition, and understand what are you trying to do here and how will success will look like of the project. the way to do that is basically by doing two things
Steps 2: ID8 (brainstorming and coming up with lots of ideas)
The way to get the idea is by removing your barriers about I only need to come up with good ideas and just bring a lot of ideas and it's very important to come up with a lot's of ideas.
Steps 3: take the kind of rough idea that you have been trying to validate it
By validating I mean you present it. so you do a present it's a client work you do a presentation you show them the work. and you're saying here it is here's why I did this here's the process that I went through.
Steps 4: Refine Your Design
After you've listened and documented that feedback is actually to refine your design and improve it and make it better then it's ready after you've to go feedback that it's well ready to release it or finalize it or lunch it or whatever you're doing.
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Sed ut tincidunt velit, eu bibendum turpis. Fusce in posuere felis, sed lobortis elit. Integer mollis sodales congue
Donec tristique ligula id tellus porta, dapibus imperdiet mi ullamcorper. Vivamus suscipit, nisi eu tincidunt interdum.
Mauris ut libero ut mauris sagittis consectetur quis eget elit.
Mauris ut libero ut mauris sagittis consectetur quis eget elit.
Mauris ut libero ut mauris sagittis consectetur quis eget elit.
Mauris ut libero ut mauris sagittis consectetur quis eget elit.
Mauris ut libero ut mauris sagittis consectetur quis eget elit.
Who This Course is For
Sed arcu odio, ornare ac porttitor at, placerat nec dui. Nulla nec euismod tellus. Donec facilisis condimentum commodo. Pellentesque ultricies dolor ut magna aliquet, vitae sodales massa euismod.
This Course for Complete Beginner Students who want learn UI/UX.
Nunc a ex sodales sem accumsan tristique.
Suspendisse eget eros eget leo pellentesque ullamcorper ac non augue.
What You Will be Learn
Sed arcu odio, ornare ac porttitor at, placerat nec dui. Nulla nec euismod tellus. Donec facilisis condimentum commodo. Pellentesque ultricies dolor ut magna aliquet, vitae sodales massa euismod.
This Course for Complete Beginner Students who want learn UI/UX.
Nunc a ex sodales sem accumsan tristique.
Suspendisse eget eros eget leo pellentesque ullamcorper ac non augue.
Suspendisse eget eros eget leo pellentesque ullamcorper ac non augue.
Adobe Certified Instructor & Adobe Certified Expert.
Joe has been preaching and practicing the gospel of User Experience (UX) to Fortune 100, 500 and Government organizations for nearly three decades. That work includes commercial industry leaders like Google Ventures, Kroll/Duff + Phelps, Broadridge, Conde Nast, Johns Hopkins, Mettler-Toledo, PHH Arval, SC Johnson and Wolters Kluwer, as well as government agencies like the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health and the Dept. of Homeland Security.
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Harry Pinsky
1 hour ago
Aliquam eget leo quis neque molestie dictum. Etiam ut tortor tempor, vestibulum ante non, vulputate nibh. Cras non molestie diam. Great Course for Beginner 😀
Harry Pinsky
2 hour ago
Aliquam eget leo quis neque molestie dictum. Etiam ut tortor tempor, vestibulum ante non, vulputate nibh.
Watcraz Eggsy
1 day ago
Aenean vulputate nisi ligula. Quisque in tempus sapien. Quisque vestibulum massa eget consequat scelerisque. Phasellus varius risus nec maximus auctor.
Watcraz Eggsy
1 day ago
Cras non molestie diam. Aenean vulputate nisi ligula. Quisque in tempus sapien. Quisque vestibulum massa eget consequat scelerisque.